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0322 Will AI erase or create jobs?

by 메리뉴데이 2023. 3. 22.

룩룩영어 >>  https://blog.naver.com/koreangenie/223051618798 

Alright! We're going to begin this hour with a question on many people's minds these days amid all these major developments in the field of artificial intelligence, and that question is this.

How long until the machines replace us, take our jobs?

New systems from Google and Microsoft plus, a Microsoft partner called OpenAI,  they're capable of doing things that we used to think were uniquely human things like creating arts, generating original writing.
And the possibilities are truly gigantic, huge.
But so are the fears about our jobs, and about our wages, in particular.
This is replacing white collar jobs.
As artificial intelligence gets better, anyone who writes for a living has to be concerned, I mean, this thing, you know, it can create code.
Job security is only supposed to get worse.
And in reports like this one, of the top jobs, our AI overlords plan to kill coding or computer programming is often on the list.
So with the indulgence of Sam Zanka, a coder and instructor at the General Assembly Coding School in New York, 
I decided to test the idea of an imminent AI takeover by seeing if the software could code for someone who knows as little about computers as me, eliminating the need to hire someone like him.
Please, build a personal website for CBS anchor, Gayle King.
We used the fame Chat GPT, famed in part for writing code. 
So all this gobbledygook on the screen, that's what people who sit in these classrooms learn.
And I, for one, was prepared to be amazed but take a look at the results about as basic as a basic website can be.
What do you think?
You're the professional.
While there is more sophisticated AI coding software out there, it seems, none of it can yet replace the talent of professional coders.
In fact, it may actually help them.
So if you could look into the future here, how do you think AI will change the way you do your job?
It'll definitely automate the more tedious parts of it but, uh, it's still a long ways away before having a true impact.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is a big believer in AI but not in the idea that AI is coming for our jobs. 
You think it will create more jobs than it will take?
I believe it creates more, I'll call it both satisfaction in current jobs and net new jobs.
In fact, when we sat down earlier this month ahead of the launch of the new AI-powered Bing, 
he argued that artificial intelligence could help the economy across the board.
My biggest worry is we need some new technology that starts driving real productivity. 
It's time for some real innovation.
Do you think it'll drive up wages?
I do believe it'll grow up wages because productivity and wages are related.
But while that may be true in the long run, MIT Economist David Autor believes that the rise of AI does, indeed, mean millions of jobs are going to change in our lifetimes.
And what's scary is we're just not sure how.

- this hour : during a specific hour, such as during a news program or other time-limited event

- amid : in the middle of, surrounded by
* there are many major developments happening in the field of artificial intelligence, and the question being asked is relevant to this context

- in the field of : within the area or subject matter of

* "plus" is functioning as a coordinating conjunction, connecting the two independent clauses "New systems from Google and Microsoft" and "a Microsoft partner called OpenAI

* "so are the fears" is using an inverted word order, which is a common technique used in English for emphasis.
The word "so" is used as an adverb to mean "to the same extent or degree" as the previous statement. It emphasizes that the fears about job security are just as significant as the possibilities that AI offers.

- for a living : as one's profession or source of income

- overlords : the hypothetical future AI systems that are envisioned to have superior intelligence and power over human beings, controlling and managing various aspects of society in a metaphorical way

- with the indulgence of :  seeking permission or approval from
is often used to ask for permission or to express gratitude for being allowed to do something

- imminent : something is about to happen or is likely to happen very soon

- takeover :
the possibility that artificial intelligence may eventually replace human workers in many industries, including coding and programming

* "the fame" is the reputation or renown that Chat GPT has gained for its ability to write code

- gobbledygook : a slang term used to describe language or writing that is difficult to understand because it is full of jargon, technical terms, or unnecessarily complex words or phrases

* "for one" : a phrase used to introduce a personal opinion or perspective, often in contrast to the opinions or perspectives of others

tedious : boring, repetitive, and time-consuming

* "it's still a long ways away before ~ " ~하기까지는 아직 멀었다.

- big believer : strongly believe

* "I'll call it ~" 나는 그걸 ~라고 (칭)할께.

* "argued" suggests that the person put forth a well-reasoned and convincing argument, supported by evidence or logical reasoning, to support their position

- board : in all areas

- drive : cause, initiate or propel something forward

* "drive up wages" - "up" is often used in combination with verbs like "drive," "push," or "bring" to indicate that the action is causing something to increase, rather than just happen.

- in the long run : over an extended period of time, usually a period of years or even decades

- indeed : (의심할 여지없이)분명히, 정말로

Many people have recognized that AI will replace humans who are making a money through their professions.
So they get to have a question "How long will it take?"
A report mentioned top jobs that could get threatened from AI such as coding, computer programming. 
A reporter expreienced how AI works for taking over the real people's jobs in a coding school in NY.
He, for one, wasn't that much satisfied with AI works. 

Additionally, a coder and instructor at coding school regarded that the time Al would have real impact on lives hasn't come yet.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella strongly believes that AI will bring a great changes and significant positive effects on quailties of work's environment including compensation and making brand-new professions.
MIT Economist David Autor believes there wil be changes on jobs in the long run as well.
Many people recognize that AI will eventually replace humans in certain professions and wonder how long it will take. Reports have identified top jobs that could be threatened by AI, such as coding and computer programming.
A reporter experienced how AI can take over people's jobs at a coding school in New York, but was not entirely satisfied with its performance.

On the other hand, a coder and instructor at the same coding school believes that the real impact of AI on our lives has not yet arrived.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella strongly believes that AI will bring about significant positive changes in the quality of work environments, including compensation and the creation of brand-new professions.
MIT Economist David Autor also believes that there will be changes to jobs in the long run.


Many people acknowledge that AI will eventually replace humans in certain professions and wonder how long it will take. Reports have identified coding and computer programming as top jobs that could be threatened by AI. A reporter at a coding school in New York experienced how AI can take over people's jobs, but was not entirely satisfied with its performance.

However, a coder and instructor at the same coding school believes that the real impact of AI on our lives has not yet arrived.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is optimistic that AI will bring significant positive changes in the quality of work environments, including compensation and the creation of brand-new professions.
Economist David Autor from MIT also believes that there will be changes to jobs in the long run.



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