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by 메리뉴데이 2023. 3. 8.

Big Tech Monopoly - Good or Bad?



룩룩 영어




[실전영어|이슈] Big Tech monopoly - Good or Bad? ||룩룩잉글리쉬

지난 번에는 Google 이 Monopoly 인가에 대해서 살펴보면서, 최근에 유럽쪽에서 벌금 받았던 내용, 그리...





"pay off" can imply that money is being used to influence or bribe someone in a way that is unethical or illegal.


그는 유리한 판결은 받기 위해 판사를 매수했다.

He paid off the judge to get a favorable ruling.


회사는 수익성이 좋은 계약을 확보하기 위해 정부 관료를 매수했다.

The company paid off the government official to secure a lucrative contract.


코치는 그의 팀이 경기에서 반드시 이기도록 하기 위해 심판들을 매수했다.

The coach paid off the referees to ensure that his team would win the game.


로비스트는 그의 고객들을 유리하게 하는 법제정을 통과시키도록 정치인들을 매수했다.

The lobbyist paid off the politicians to pass legislation that favored his clients.






In business, a moat refers to a competitive advantage that a company has over its rivals, which helps to protect its market position and profitability over the long term.

The term "moat" comes from the protective ditches of water surrounding medieval castles, which made it difficult for enemies to attack or breach the castle walls. In a business context, a moat is a barrier to entry that prevents competitors from easily replicating a company's success.

A moat can take many forms, including strong brand recognition, proprietary technology or patents, high switching costs for customers, economies of scale, network effects, or regulatory barriers. By having a moat, a company can defend against new entrants or established rivals that try to take market share, as it is more difficult for them to replicate the company's advantages.


그 성은 사방에 둘러싸고 있는 깊은 해자(성을 둘러 파져있는 연못)에 의해 잘 보호되고 있다.

The castle is well-protected by a deep moat that surrounds it on all sides.


당신이 해자를 가지고 있지 않다면, 경쟁자들은 당신의 이익 마진을 줄이고, 고객을 가로채가고, 결국 사업을 망하게 할 것이다. 

If you don't have a moat, competitors will cut into your profit margins, steal customers, and eventually put you out of business.

cf. com/pet/i/tor cus/tom/er e/ven/tu/al/ly busi/ness


그 회사는 다른 회사들이 그들의 제품들을 카피하지 못하도록 막는 특허받은 기술의 형태로 강한 해자를 가지고 있었다.

The company had a strong moat in the form of patented technology that prevented other businesses from copying their products.

cf. pat/ent/ed


그 회사의 강한 브랜드 평판은 회사를 경쟁으로부터 보호했던 해자와 같이 작용했다.

The company's strong brand reputation served as a moat that protected it from competition.

cf. rep/u/ta/tion com/pe/ti/tion


구글은 기기 제조사를 매수하고 크롬 브라우저와 안드로이드 작동 시스템으로 그것의 검색 주위에 해자를 세우면서 불법적으로 그의 검색 독점을 보호했다.

Google illegally protected its search monopoly by paying off device makers and building a moat around its search with thechrome browser and android operating system.

cf. mo/nop/o/ly




"hook" : a thing designed to catch people's attention


그는 문 뒤에 코트를 걸기 위해 고리를 사용했다.

He used a hook to hang his coat on the back of the door.


그 노래는 하루종일 내 머리에 맴도는 귀에 꽂히는 후렴을 가지고 있었다.

The song had a catchy hook that got stuck in my head all day.


그 회사는 사람들이 그들의 구독 서비스에 가입하게 하기 위한 미끼(?)로서 무료 시용 제공을 이용했다.

The company used a free trial offer as a hook to get people to sign up for their subscription service.

cf. serv/ice 


그들은 지난 주말에 만났고, 이제 서로 정기적으로 볼 예정이다.

They hooked up last weekend and now they're seeing each other regularly.

cf. reg/u/lar/ly




"sole" : the undersurface of a person's foot, one and only (soul과 발음 같음)


내 신발 한 쪽 밑창은 닳기 시작했고 바꿔야 해.

The sole of my shoe is starting to wear out and needs to be replaced.


그녀는 그 회사의 유일한 소유주고 모든 결정을 해.

She is the sole owner of the business and makes all the decisions.


그는 그 비행기 추락사고의 유일한 생존자였고, 3일동안 표류 상태로 있다가(꼼짝도 못하고 있다가) 구조되었다.

He was the sole survivor of the plane crash and was rescued after being stranded for  three days.

cf. strand/ed


단독 소유권은 중소기업의 가장 흔한 형태이고, 그곳의 소유주는 단독으로 재정과 운영을 포함한 사업의 모든 면에 대해 책임을 진다.

The sole proprietorship is the most common type of small business, where the owner is solely responsible for all aspects of the business including its finances and operations.

cf. pro/pri/e/tor/ship




"Facebook has a whole personalized internet universe where Google search can't crawl"


The statement means that Facebook has created a vast ecosystem of personalized content that is not accessible or indexed by Google's search engine. This is because Facebook's content is primarily user-generated, and much of it is private or restricted to a user's network of friends or followers. Therefore, it is not available for indexing by search engines like Google, which rely on crawling publicly available web pages to build their index.

In other words, Facebook's personalized internet universe consists of content that is exclusive to its platform and not available to the wider public or search engines. This content includes user profiles, posts, comments, photos, videos, and other media shared within the platform, which are only accessible to users who have been granted permission to view them.

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